Charles Hasler: A Mid-Century Designer and Collector

From Pen to Press

An exhibition featuring highlights from the Special Collections, Archive of British Publishing and Printing to coincide with the Conference for the Society of History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) which will be held at the University of Reading 1-5 July 2024. Image: pen formerly owned by James Joyce dated circa 1935. SSJ-OBJ_002
Fear & Yearning: Meet the Artists event

Join us for a presentation of short films created by poet Toby Martinez de las Rivas, filmmaker Jane Glennie, and sound artist Neda Milenova Mirova. Together, they question bucolic depictions of rural life, and explore notions of the uncanny, the intangible, and the obscure in relation to landscape, agriculture, and rural social practice. The films […]
James Joyce: a love of language

What is Landscape? on Saturday 9th December

Annual FOLAR Symposium: Landscape of Communities

A History of English Georgic Writing


The 1951 Festival of Britain was a national celebration to mark Britian’s achievements and recovery following the Second World War, and was timed to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1851 Great Exhibition. In many ways this was also a coming of age for the British landscape architecture profession. On the 70th anniversary of the […]

This half-day online symposium will explore themes and sources from the Open Spaces Society collection at The MERL. The Open Spaces Society (OSS) is Britain’s oldest national conservation body, founded in 1865 as the Commons Preservation Society. Join us online for short talks, discussion, poetry, and artistic responses. There will be a ‘find the location’ […]

Involved in museums of farming life? Then this event is for you… This international congress brings together agricultural and rural museum and heritage professionals from around the world to explore and share their work. It is a rare opportunity for agricultural museum professionals and others interested in farming heritage to discuss engagement, research, collections practice, […]