Woolly Wintry Creations

a colourful sheep decoration made from wool and pipecleaners

Create fun shapes with wool and pipe cleaners! Collect a kit from the Gift Shop for just £1.50 and make your decorations during your visit or at home. It contains all the materials you’ll need to make colourful, cute shapes to hang on your Christmas tree or as a decoration anywhere! The kit contains: pipe […]


Brightly coloured cartoon graphic of Tom Gates Mega Museum Challenge designed by Liz Pichon

Bring your family museum trip to life for free with the Tom Gates Mega Museum Challenge activity pack from Scholastic and Kids in Museums. Kids can go on their very own adventure by seeing if they can ‘Spot Ten Random Things’ from the activity sheet at the museum – from the biggest thing to the […]

Steel band and carnival dance workshops with CultureMix Arts

Dancers in brightly coloured carnival costume
Join us for these special Steel Band and Carnival dance workshops for families and young people! Steel Band workshop 11am  - Family workshop for children aged 5+ accompanied by an adult BOOK FAMILY BAND WORKSHOP 12pm - Workshop for young people aged 11 - 18 only (no accompanying adult required) BOOK YOUTH BAND WORKSHOP Explore [...]


family attends Friday Fledglings in the MERL garden

JOIN US FOR A FUN AND FRIENDLY SESSION FOR UNDER-5S IN THE FANTASTIC GARDEN AT THE MERL Discover the benefits of outdoor learning and child-led play! Come and join in with activities inspired by the themes and collections of the museum, enjoy exploring nature, our mud kitchen, water play, sand-pit and more. Each session also […]

Summer Family Fun at The MERL

Butterfly sitting on lavender

This summer, enjoy family events, trails, activities, crafts and more at The Museum of English Rural Life! Join us for the The MERL Family Picnic event on the theme of caring for nature and each other Come and visit farm animals from Miller’s Ark Farm in The MERL garden Meet Mr Palmer and enjoy a short […]


family attends Friday Fledglings in the MERL garden

JOIN US FOR A FUN AND FRIENDLY SESSION FOR UNDER-5S IN THE FANTASTIC GARDEN AT THE MERL Discover the benefits of outdoor learning and child-led play! Come and join in with activities inspired by the themes and collections of the museum, enjoy exploring nature, our mud kitchen, water play, sand-pit and more. Each session also […]


Family in The MERL garden

Bring your own picnic and blanket and join us in the museum garden to enjoy a range of free activities, showcasing recent projects and activities that have taken place at The MERL on the theme of ‘Care’. Programme: Our current programming theme at The MERL is ‘CARE’.  This event showcases some highlights from some of […]

Miller’s Ark at The MERL

Join us to meet the animals of Miller's Ark Farm Bring your own picnic and blanket and join us in the museum garden. Enjoy a range of hands-on activities from The MERL and visit real farm animals from Miller’s Ark. Event details Event times: 12.30pm - 4pm Book in advance before the day: £2 per [...]


A man dressed as a Victorian Mr Palmer holding a biscuit tin standing in front of the Huntley & Palmers building in Reading
As we continue to celebrate 200 years of Huntley & Palmers in Reading during the summer holidays, join us at The MERL to meet Mr George Palmer, proprietor of the famous biscuit manufacturers. He’ll be around to meet and chat to you throughout the day and there’ll also be a chance to enjoy a short [...]

Summer Family Activity Packs

Summer-inspired things to do in the museum, garden and at home Buy one of our packs at the museum Gift Shop for fun activities to do with children during your visit – and afterwards! For age 5+ (£3) Choose from one of  3 Nature themed Summer Activity Packs: Little Mouse and the Sunshine Garden Sun [...]

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