All Day
Together Stronger
A collaborative artwork by young people whose parents live with early-onset dementia.
Find out more »Do Not Feed the Animals?
People all over the world feed animals every day, whether caring for pets or livestock, for conservation, for fun, or by accident. But what happens when so many people feed so many animals for so long? What happens to the people, to the animals, and the environment? Do Not Feed the Animals? explores questions of […]
Find out more »Winter Family Activity Packs
WINTER-INSPIRED THINGS TO DO AT THE MUSEUM, OUTDOORS AND AT HOME! Buy one of our packs at the museum Gift Shop for fun activities to do with children during your visit - and afterwards! For age 5+ (£3) Choose from three different Winter Activity Packs: Little mouse story, winter recipe, colouring sheet and join the […]
Find out more »4:30 pm
Magical Lights
Wrap up the year with an evening of lights and lanterns in the museum garden. Choose from two versions: the main event (6pm to 7:30pm), or an earlier session with sensory provisions for neurodivergent visitors and their loved ones (4:30pm to 5:45pm). Magical Lights 6pm - 7:30pm Celebrate the end of the year with crafts, […]
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