Heritage bakes: three historical biscuit recipes from our collections
Explore and follow three heritage recipes for baking historical biscuits, including an original recipe by Huntley & Palmers.
Wild Being: how museums can care for health and wellbeing
Learn about how we have worked with organisations across Reading to create museum opportunities that promote creativity and wellbeing.
Feeding the Nation: Serving us our strawberries
In time for Wimbledon 2022, learn about the many challenges that labourers and farmers face in growing strawberries.
Widening participation at The MERL
Read about our learning team’s work with schools as part of The MERL’s widening participation programme.
Mrs Beeton’s vegetarian feasts: vegetarian recipes from 19th century England
Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management was a staple of the Victorian kitchen. We tried our hand at recreating several of her recipes.
200 Years of Huntley & Palmers in Reading: about the exhibition
Find out about our 2022 Huntley & Palmers exhibition in the Staircase Hall, commemorating 200 years of the Biscuit Town in Reading.
How did rationing work in the Second World War?
Few items are more symbolic of daily life during the Second World War than the ration book. Learn about their history on our blog.
We are AMuSED: creating a toolkit for multisensory reminiscence
Learn how staff at The MERL have worked with University of Reading scientists to develop a multisensory toolkit for reminiscence.
Changing Perspectives in the Countryside: Dr Geeta Ludhra
In this blog, we heard from Dr Geeta Ludhra about her work, research, and the powerful role of the countryside in her life.
Feeding the Nation: the lives of seasonal migrant workers
Do we care for the people who care for our food? Learn about the Feeding the Nation project, exploring the lives of seasonal migrant workers.