Upland Commons: A Labour of Love
Learn about England’s upland commons, their significance to culture and environment, and the many people who come together for their care.
The campaigns of the Women’s Institute
Work experience student, Amelie Roome, delves into the archives of the Women’s Institute to examine the Institute’s role in the historical and contemporary English countryside.
The Hicc-Story of Brewing Beer
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Leghorn Straw Hat

Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds Sash

Working by Candlelight

Reins and Harnesses

Suffrage and the Sewing Machine
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The story of Suttons Seeds: 1806 – present
Learn about the history of Suttons Seeds, a Reading company who revolutionised the UK seed-growing industry.
About Britain

Geoffrey Grigson (ed.), About Britain Guides, 1951 These books are from a set of thirteen travel guides published in parallel with the Festival of Britain. They were edited by poet, author, and naturalist Geoffrey Grigson. Grigson also wrote two volumes himself: West Country and Wessex. As with the examples shown here and other aspects of […]