National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers

The archive is split across several deposits of material and contains manuscript and printed material relating to the Eastern Counties Agricultural Labourers and Smallholders Union, the National Agricultural Labourers and Rural Workers Union, the National Union of Agricultural Workers, and the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers 1906-1972. The collection also includes miscellaneous material relating to the National Agricultural Labourers Union, 1873-1892, the Agricultural Wages Board [England and Wales] 1917-22, and copies of Parliamentary Papers.
More information
Full descriptions of each deposit are available on our online database: SR NUAW, SR 2NUAW, SR 3NUAW, SR5NUAW, SR 6NUAW
Full handlists for each deposit of the collection can be found here: SR NUAW, SR 2NUAW, SR 3NUAW, SR 5NUAW, SR 6NUAW