Dyott, Richard Archibald (rural life collector)

Date: 1840s-1960sExtent: 108 objects
wheelbarrow wheel from Dyott collection
Wheelbarrow wheel. MERL 62/433

In his mid-twenties Major Richard Archibald Dyott (1881-1965) travelled to Australia where he collected insects, birds and ethnographic specimens. Between 1904 to 1910 he visited Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Zealand and Sri Lanka. Specimens he collected are now cared for by Birmingham Museums. In 1912, at the Dyott family home of the Manor of Freeford in Staffordshire, he started a museum of local history. He gathered items of local origin and kept things that had been in everyday use about the Manor and on the farms.  The local smith, Tom Windridge, made much of the ironwork in the collection. Nearly all the items were found or used in the local area. Dyott served in WWI in the British Army Royal Field Artillery and Honourable Artillery Company rising to the rank of Major. 

 The collection consists of objects that were made and used at the Manor of Freeford.  

More Information: 

The objects are catalogued on the online database. Search using the word ‘Dyott’ 

The bird specimens can be found at the Birmingham Museums Ornithology Collection of Foreign Birds

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