"Strictly Fab" – Len Goodman joins MERL for Farmyard Fun
written by Guy Baxter, Archivist.

Last Thursday was quite a day at MERL, with over 500 visitors enjoying Farmyard Fun with Miller’s Ark, who brought us their sheep, goats, pigs, geese, ducks (with their own paddling pool!) and colourful rare-breed chickens. It was also great to see so many visitors having fun with the animals as we’re hoping to showcase more of our animal-related collections in Our Country Lives. Among the visitors was Strictly Come Dancing judge Len Goodman, who described the Museum as “Strictly Fab”!
Len was here to spring a pleasant surprise on members of a charity called The Ichthyosis Support Group who were visiting the museum. The charity, which was started in Reading, has received a National Lottery Award, and the children and adults were being filmed for a BBC programme, to be aired in September. It has been our great pleasure to be able to host the group, and we hope that they enjoyed their day out! We can’t promise a celebrity on every visit, though ….
Len’s reaction to the museum was simple – “Strictly Fab – Love it!” is what he wrote in the Visitors’ Book. We don’t know what score he would give us, but we’re all pretty sure it was a TEN!

Thanks to all the staff and volunteers at MERL who have made the day such a big success despite the odd shower.