Homes in the Past

Online: £30 (45 minute session)

Onsite: £100 (1.5 hour session)

Through investigation of real objects and different examples of homes from the past—from the Victorian home of Alfred Palmer, to our beautiful waggon and a Nissen hut—this workshop invites students to consider how our homes today differ from those in the past. The session will explore:

  • How we live now, compared to the past through themes such as lighting, heating, kitchens
  • How our activities at home have changed
  • How materials and technology today are different from the past
  • How children dressed in the past

An exciting and informative session with real hands-on learning.

Notes for teachers

  • Suitable for EYFS and Key Stage 1
  • Opportunities to take part in roleplay using replica costume
  • Investigate real objects from long ago
  • Explore the museum galleries

Curriculum links


  • Past and present


  • Changes within living memory
  • Aspects of change in national life


  • Introduces students to The Museum of English Rural Life and our collections
  • Uses real objects to demonstrate what homes in the past were like
  • Students compare homes, past and present, similarities and differences