All Day
Together Stronger
A collaborative artwork by young people whose parents live with early-onset dementia.
Find out more »Labour of Love
Over one third of England’s moorland is ‘common land’ – managed and cared for by many farmers and organisations and accessed by millions. These upland commons are crucial for England’s rural cultures and natural ecosystems, yet are often poorly understood. What does it take to care well for them? How might farming and nature recovery […]
Find out more »Autumn Family Activity Packs
Autumn inspired things to do at the museum, outdoors and at home For age 5+, choose from one of 3 Autumn Activity Packs (£3 each): Conker craft, Little Mouse story, a recipe and little mouse colouring sheet. Clay craft, outdoor bingo and word-search Cosy silhouette craft, recipe and little mouse colouring sheet For under 5s […]
Find out more »Do Not Feed the Animals?
People all over the world feed animals every day, whether caring for pets or livestock, for conservation, for fun, or by accident. But what happens when so many people feed so many animals for so long? What happens to the people, to the animals, and the environment? Do Not Feed the Animals? explores questions of […]
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